Thursday, May 6, 2010

Form, Storm, Norm

So I went to business school. One of the first things they do in business school is put you into a group of people that will form your primary group for completing and turning in group assignments. No, you don't get to pick your group. Yes, most assignments are group assignments, not individual. Yes, you must depend on this group of complete strangers for your success and grade. No, you will not like all of them.

Anyway, after they stick you in a group of strangers, they inform you that a few things naturally happen before the group is really able to function normally -- these things are:

1. Form
2. Storm
3. Norm

Any new group, or any change in a group structure goes through these steps/phases.

Why do I bring this up? Well, it's because I see this same process happen in the dojo. It's not fun, and often it's sad -- but it is normal and it does have to happen in order for the new group to be able to function. Sometimes you lose people in the process. Sometimes you gain extraordinary individuals that were once hidden.

1. Forming -- the new group is formed with new members. Even if there is an existing group, the addition of any new member, means there is a new group. This can be in the dojo in general, or per rank as people move up and join others at the same rank. This step is fairly quick.
2. Storming -- there is infighting, posturing for positions/roles/attention, politics, fighting for power, conflict, etc. This step can be fast or long, depending on the personalities in the group. This is where heirarchy and personal functions/roles/power within the group are establised.  Most often than not -- it is long. it is painful. it is necessary. during this step people will either leave or find a place/role within the new group.
3. Norming. After the storming phase, however long it takes, the group will settle in and calm down being able to function as a unit.

You may not have experienced this yet. But you will some day. When you are in the throws of the storming phases -- just remember that it's a normal part of working out what needs to get worked out.

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